Quiz Night – 16 November 2019

16 November 2019 7.30pm
Panmurefield Baptist Centre

Last year Tearfund initiated a fundraising quiz night which proved extremely successful and so they have decided to repeat it.

Through the wonders of modern technology, participating groups all take part at exactly the same time on the same evening.
As the questions cover a wide range of topics, the evening is suitable for people of all ages.
So put the date in your diary and start thinking about who you could have in your team.

About Tearfund

Tearfund help communities overcome the worst effects of poverty and disasters – we believe that the same people who face these issues, also have the best idea as to how they can overcome them.

Tearfund works alongside local churches and other locally-based organisations in over 50 countries to help people realise their plans for a better future.

Messy Church 31 August 2019

Our next Messy Church is on Saturday 31st August, 2pm – 4pm in Panmurefield Baptist Centre,
154 Lawers Drive, DD5 3TZ.
We will hear a Bible story about a lost sheep and we’ll explore this through crafts, activities, songs and some food. Messy Church is suitable for a wide range of ages, from around age 3-11 and younger siblings are very welcome to take part in what they can or play with some toys.
Book a space by email familyworker@outlook.com or Contact Us. Children must be accompanied by an adult and we look forward to seeing you then.
Please note this is the LAST Saturday of the month and we plan to be on the last Saturday of September, October and November 2019 🙂

Christianity Explored (begins 26th August 2019)

Begins on Monday 26th August 2019


Broughty Ferry Baptist Church, St Vincent Street, Broughty Ferry

We all get one life to live and deep down we’re all asking the same question – what’s it all about?

What’s the best news you’ve ever heard?

Was it surprising? Did it change the way you think? Or was it something you wanted to be true but didn’t dare hope?

Christianity Explored is a relaxed and informal way of sharing the best news you can ever hear, and gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life.

We are holding 7 sessions which are run by ordinary people and designed for people who don’t ‘do’ church. There is no singing, praying or preaching.

Please let us know if you’d like to come along. It’s ok to miss a session. You are also welcome to come to just the first session. The course is completely free of charge.



Or message us on our Facebook

Big Birthday Bash – Sunday 9 June

Sunday 9th June, 2 pm – 4 pm, Panmurefield Baptist Centre.

Join us and our friends from other local Baptist churches, to celebrate the 150th year of the Baptist Union of Scotland. There will be lots of family friendly activities outside such as Bubble Fun, Space Hoppers, Welly Wanging, Beat the Goalie, Beach Volleyball, Super Soaker Aim to name a few and indoor activities will include crafts, face painting and toys. There will be birthday cake and light refreshments and we’ll finish off the afternoon with a Big Sing indoors. There is no charge for this event and you are very welcome to drop in sometime during the afternoon, we would love to see you there.

Tearfund Concert – Friday 17 May 2019

Panmurefield Baptist Centre is hosting a concert by the Satellite Band on Friday 17 May.The band is a collective of some of the best Christian singer songwriters in Scotland.

As well as enjoying a great night of music, those attending will also be helping to support and promote the work of Tearfund, the Christian Relief and Development Agency. Doors open at 7.00pm and the concert starts at 7.30pm. Tickets costing £6 are available at the door or in advance from 07793436489.

Easter Messy Church – 20th April 2019

Easter Messy Church is on Saturday 20th April,
2pm – 4pm in Panmurefield Baptist Centre,
154 Lawers Drive, DD5 3TZ.
We will hear about what Jesus has done for us and we’ll explore this through crafts, activities, songs and some food. Messy Church is suitable for a wide range of ages, from around age 3-11 and younger siblings are very welcome to take part in what they can or play with some toys. Book a space by email familyworker@outlook.com or through our Facebook page.

Children must be accompanied by an adult and we look forward to seeing you then. Our next Messy Church will be on 1st June.

Easter Services 2019

If you are looking for an Easter Service to attend this week, this is what is going on at Broughty Ferry Baptist Church:

Friday 19th April, 12.30 pm – Good Friday Communion Service at our church in St Vincent St, led by Rev Dr Brian Talbot.

Sunday 21st April, 10.30 am – All-age Easter Service, led by Moraig Piggot at Panmurefield Baptist Centre. Breakfast rolls served from 9.30 am – 10 am, Easter treat hunt and refreshments after the service.

Sunday 21st April, 6.30 pm – Traditional Easter Service, led by Rev Dr Brian Talbot at Panmurefield Baptist Centre.

Flipping Marvellous Pancake Party – 5 March 2019

Come and join us on Tuesday 5th March, between 10.45 am – 12.15 pm, Panmurefield Baptist Centre, 154 Lawers Drive, for freshly made pancakes, tea and coffee or juice. No set charge but you can make a donation which will go to the charity Christians Against Poverty, which does excellent work to help people who are struggling with serious debt issues. We hope to see you there 🙂