Family Service – 29 October 

Tomorrow in Panmurefield Baptist Centre at 10.30am we have our Wonderfully Made all age service led by Moraig Piggot.Children can come dressed as superheroes 😊

We will hear the stories of 3 amazing children who live in Thailand and have super powers to enable them to live life to the full.

We will hear how we are all wonderfully made in the eyes of the Lord 💙
We will be having a special lunch after the service too 🍛🎂🍨🍞
Everyone welcome to join us 😀😄😃

Quiz Night on Saturday 21 October

After the success of January’s event, we will be holding another Quiz Night on Saturday 21 October at 7pm. Venue will be Panmurefield Baptist Centre. Refreshments will be provided. Tickets cost £5 per person with four people in each team. You can come as a team or join a team when you arrive.
If you are interested in a ticket please let us know.

Car Treasure Hunt review

Car  Treasure  Hunt  

On  26  August  at  7  pm  a  group  of  intrepid  explorers  travelled  around  the   countryside  to  the  north-­‐east  of  Panmurefield,  discovering  new  facts  about  the   area.    An  unexpected  bonus  was  gate-­‐crashing  a  wedding  reception  taking  place   at  Monikie  Village  Hall…!    Eventually  everyone  reached  the  planned  destination,   where  they  enjoyed  a  supper  of  Domino’s  pizza,  crisps  and  cookies.    The  surplus   money  raised  through  the  event  (£62.78)  was  donated  to  the  church’s  general   funds.

Goodbye Summer

We hope you all enjoyed your summer holidays. Now that the schools are back our activities have all started up again. We also have an exciting new project called the 567 club which we will be telling you all about soon. Watch this space! 

Community Prayer Week 29th May to 4th June

Come and join us during our prayer week from Monday 29th May to Sunday 4th June. There are drop in times between 7 to 9am, 1 to 3pm and 7 to 9pm. This will be an opportunity to worship, pray and to thank God for all he does for us. Activities for children will be provided. Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer event that is happening next week. Visit for more information.

Panmurefield Grand Opening Events – 3rd and 4th June 2017

Grand Opening of Panmurefield Baptist Centre’s Extension 

Saturday 3rd June 4pm
Join us to celebrate the official opening of our new extension. Music, our famous afternoon tea, entertainment for children and much more.
Everyone is invited. Spread the word. We would love to see you all there.

Sunday 4th June 10.30am
A service of thanksgiving to mark the opening of the extension.

No charge for either event. For catering purposes please let us know if you plan to attend. Either Contact Us or let us know via Facebook.

Gift Day on 4 June 2017

Please pray for our gift day on 4 June 2017. The church fellowship have all been given letters and gift envelopes to consider donating money towards the Panmurefield development work. There is a total of £25,000 outstanding.