Updated Coronavirus arrangements

It is no longer a legal requirement for those attending places of worship to wear a mask. However, you may still wish to do so out of sensitivity to the feelings of others and the current high level of infections.

When attending the service in person at Panmurefield Baptist Centre please note the following:

• Please do not come to the service if you have any COVID symptoms.

• Please do not come to the service if you or anyone in your household is self-isolating.

• Although social distancing is not required, please sanitise your hands on entering the building.

• Some windows and fire doors will be open to give maximum ventilation in the building.

• If you are able, it is prudent to take a Lateral Flow Test prior to attending.

• All the toilets are now available for use. Please sanitise your hands before going in and wipes are available to ensure it’s clean. 

• Those who wish to give an offering, should do so by bringing the money/cheque in an envelope and placing it in the basket in the foyer. The best way of giving to the church is via bank transfer. For more information on this please get in touch with the church treasurer, bfbctreasurer@gmail.com

Ukrainian refugee fundraising – Update

Members of our church and their friends are walking 10,000 steps per day in March to raise money to accomodate Ukrainian refugees in Romania.

We are pleased to announce that 40 Ukrainian refugees are now being safely looked after at the centre in Romania 🙏

These photographs were shared to us by Maria who runs the centre 💖

Every step that has been walked so far and every single penny donated has made this possible 👏👏

Thank you so much to everyone involved!

Please keep donating and walking so we can continue to support our friends from Ukraine 🇺🇦💙💛🙏

Donate here

Fundraising to support Ukrainian refugees

Carpathian Aid has been working in Romania now for nearly 30 years and partners with various organisations to tackle poverty and discrimination and to show the love of God.

In particular they partner with Casa Harului, which is a Christian Holiday centre near Deva in mid-western Romania. They helped to build the centre in the mid 1990’s and have sponsored camps there and provided volunteers most summers since they started having camps in 1995. More recently they have been focussed on supporting camps with families whose children have disabilities.

We are all shocked and saddened to see the disturbing scenes in Ukraine, and the displacement of thousands of Ukrainians into wider Europe.

Maria & Dani at Casa Harului have been contacted by a Christian Pastor in Ukraine and some other organisations looking for safe haven for some refugees. They are now hoping to house 40-60 Refugees, but to do this they need to reset the centre, after being closed for best part of two years

Stage 1 – is to get the electric back on, the plumbing checked and frozen pipes repaired, and getting licences renewed for Fire Safety. They also have to clean the centre and to organise the rooms and make up beds in preparation for the arrival of refugees in the next few days.

Stage 2 – is to welcome the refugees, settle them, which will be very challenging remembering what these women and children have just been through. They obviously then have to feed & clothe them and supply them with toiletries and sanitary products.

A few people are asking, for how long?? This is a difficult question to answer, but certainly for the short to medium term these vulnerable refugees will need to be looked after, longer term will depend on how long the conflict lasts.

This will all cost a lot of money, so with the help of Broughty Ferry Baptist Church, a few volunteers have organised a “10,000 Steps a Day for March for the Ukrainian Refugees to raise an initial £5,000” You can find out more details on the Just Giving Page with the link below

Fundraising for Carpathian Aid (justgiving.com)

We will now be in regular contact with Maria at the Centre and receiving updates on the arrival of the refugees.

Our main prayer is for the people of Ukraine and for God to bring peace to that land.🙏🙏🙏🙏 We appreciate all your prayers, involvement and support.

Gary Torbet – Trustee

Moraig Piggot – Fund Raising Co-Ordinator

Email: garytorbet@btinternet.com